Bulbine natalensis

Bulbine natalensis is known among the Zulu of South Africa as Ibhucu while the Afrikaans call it Rooi-wortel. The Xhosa call it Ingcelwane. It is a green perennial plant which has broad sharp pointed leaves. In its flowering season, the drought resistant plant has yellow flowers that are star shaped. The plant is widely found in northern and eastern parts of South Africa.


Bulbine natalensis has both anabolic and androgenic properties. As an anabolic enhancer Bulbine natalensis increases the rate of anabolic activities in the body; building muscles. It’s used as a supplement in sport activities. 

Androgenic properties

Bulbine natalensis is an aphrodisiac with impacts on both the potency and libido of a man. Research has demonstrated that the herb does better than Viagra when it comes to libido boosting in men (story once written by Anthony Roberts in Iron Magazine). Effective doses of Bulbine natalensis raise the concentrations of testosterone in blood while at the same time lowering the blood levels of estrogen. These two processes increase pro-sexual effects and desire while the anabolic properties give stamina to last longer during sexual intercourse.

NB. This is what makes Bulbine natalensis stand out; very few herbs can boost testosterone while lowering the levels of estrogen as well as it does. Owing to its anabolic and androgenic properties, Bulbuine natalensis creates a perfect natural hormonal environment in the body for building muscles, burning fat and boosting testosterone levels.