Cassia abbreviata

Cassia abbreviata is an African tree found widespread across the continent. It is commonly found in East, central and South Africa in countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, DRC, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Most African communities use the root extracts of Cassia abbreviata to treat venereal diseases.


Phytochemical studies reveal that Cassia abbreviata possesses high amounts of condensed tannins and flavonoids which are present in high amounts especially in the roots. These are responsible for antiviral and anticancer activities of the plant root extracts. 


Phytochemical components of Cassia abbreviata boost the activity of interferons in the inhibition of viral replication. This way they help to inhibit viral multiplication of the Herpes simplex virus in the host cells. One scientific study reports that Cassia abbreviata root extracts had therapeutic indexes of 15, almost as high as those of Acyclovir, the conventional pharmaceutical drug for herpes