Helichrysum melanacme is an African herb native to South Africa.
Medicinal Uses
Helichrysum melanacme has both antiviral and antituberculous activity based on scientific research carried out in South Africa and Europe.
Extracts of Helichrysum melanacme both in water and acetone inhibit the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis cells. Even more important is the fact that acetone extracts of Helichrysum melanacme inhibit the growth of Isoniazid and Rifampicin resistant TB cells and both ethno-botanical and in vitro research confirms this.
There is no toxicity associated with the herb.
It is also compatible with conventional TB drugs and as such can be used alongside Pharmaceutical drugs for TB.
Adult dosage is four (4) drops of the herbal formulation taken 3 times a day i.e. about 10 ml of it daily.
It is not recommended during pregnancy, in persons with hypersensitivity and individuals with liver and kidney problems.