Africa is endowed with a vast variety of medicinal plants which have been used as herbal remedies for different diseases and disorders for centuries. In the forests, shrubs and plains of Sub-Saharan Africa grow some of the best herbal aphrodisiacs which have been used and are still being used by locals. Aphrodisiacs can generally be categorized into three; libido enhancers (increase sexual desire), potency boosters (enhance effectiveness of erection) and those that enhance sexual pleasure.
Africa boasts plentiful of the above. If you ever wondered why the continent’s men have big sexual organs, enhanced virility and better sexual performance or why polygamy is widely practiced in Africa and the continent’s population stands at 1.216 billion, you are about to get answers. Read on to find out the continent’s 10 most potent sex stimulants and enhancers. Click to learn about each. To buy the herbs contact us here.